About Me

Krissia Guerrero


Buen dia, its so nice to meet you! I’m Krissia with a K & double S, an introvert who is a food lover, fitness freak, enjoys life and most importantly spending time with my family.

I love to speak about self-improvement, business ideas, fitness goals, home ideas and much more. Not to mention I’m a big lover of nature, but enough about me let’s get to why you are here!Just for GP blog was created with a focus on lifestyle, entrepreneurship, self-improvement, home, fitness and much more.My goal with this lifestyle blog is to continue to inspire others to become the best version of themselves, to not be afraid to jump into that business venture they have in mind, to be brave enough to leave that desk job and work for you, to finally start their fitness journey they have been wanting to start, to travel the world and live a healthy lifestyle….but let’s be honest the fear inside you keeps pushing YOU away from those dreams that you and only you can make reality. Trust me, we’ve all been there! 

Here you’ll find self-growth tips, business tips, fitness ideas & workouts, home decor hacks, travel tips, with a touch of positive life outlooks and how to live your life with a healthy mind, body and heart.

Thank you so much for being part of this community. There are plenty of ways that you can become more involved. Have questions or comments? I would love to hear from you! You can reach me at justforgpinfo@gmail.com or connect with me through any of the social media channels on this blog. Don’t be afraid to reach out. 

“Nothing specific it’s just for GP

Turo With Me
